Jem Stone

Jem Stone is a First Nations Woman with mixed heritage, Cultural Educator, Wellness Practitioner and Trainer who is passionately integrating original knowledge systems into education and wellness spaces through connection and decolonised learning methods.

Working and training in the wellness industry for over twenty years, Jem Stone dedicates much of her time learning from Elders and other cultural teachers and works as a Cultural consultant and trainer in psychedelic assisted therapy, academic and wellness spaces.

Jem is passionate about creating safe spaces for healing and is trained as a Wayapa Wuurrk Practitioner and Trainer, We Al-li Facilitator, Rebirthing Breathwork Therapist and Educator, Meditation and Yoga instructor and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist who is passionate about creating safe, inclusive, decolonised spaces for healing.

Jem founded Wayah Wellness, is a cofounder of IPAT- Indigenous Psychedelic Assisted Therapies and Rebirthing Breathwork Australia. She is based in Melbourne and travels gently throughout Australia to share this work.