Caspar Montgomery


Trained in philosophy and neuroscience, Caspar works at the intersection between psychedelics, cognitive science and mental health.

He set up the University of York’s Psychedelic Society before moving to Germany in 2021 to study a master’s at the Berlin School of Mind & Brain. He has since published research applying the Free Energy Principle to the Gaia Hypothesis, and on the interaction between hallucinations and music in altered states. He is currently working at the Charité Hospital studying changes to the sense of self in schizophrenia.

Caspar has been a research assistant for us on retreats in Peru, and also manages our social media and digital communications.

He is part of Heroic Hearts UK (a non-profit connecting military veterans with PTSD to psychedelic therapies), and volunteers with PsyCare UK providing welfare and psychedelic harm reduction at music festivals. He’s big into drumming, cold water swimming and contemplating the absurdity of existence.